Education Fee Planning Singapore Expat Advisory

Financial Planning For Your Child’s Education

There is no substitute for a good education – family environment aside, it’s possibly the main ingredient for a successful and happy life. As such, whoever you are and wherever you reside in the world, your children’s schooling should be considered a priority when thinking about your future finances.

For expats, education brings a very distinct set of challenges – language, upheaval, choice of institution. But, despite all this, educating children privately brings with it enormous opportunity, allowing young people to enjoy the experience of another culture, another language and a rich panoply of experiences unavailable to peers schooled in their country of origin.

As a parent, grandparent or relative, you will have to address the question of whether you wish children to attend a local or international school.

This is why it’s best to start an investment plan for your child’s education fees early. Expats will have numerous decisions to make when it becomes time to send children to school, college and, eventually, university, so it pays to have your child’s education fee planning strategy ready and set up well in advance.

By talking to Singapore Expat Advisory, we can help you with financial planning and preparing for your child’s education fees, wherever you are in the world. Our regional advisers are on hand to speak your language – whether you want to set up regular savings, need effective tax planning advice or simply want to discuss your future financial options, we can help.

Education Fee Planning Singapore Expat Advisory

The Cost Of A Good Education

Of course, for many parents this will not be possible unless you get to grips with education fee planning at an early stage. And the plans need to be sound: without regular savings and a structured fee plan, your child’s school and social life could be unnecessarily disrupted – something that is potentially catastrophic if it comes at a crucial stage in development.

On average, education fees across Europe have been increasing at a rate around 3 times that of inflation, so it really is essential that, as an expat, your financial planning advice ensures security, so your child can be certain to have the best possible education and school/life balance.

University education is now costing parents more than ever before and the fees and associated expenses can be financially crippling even to some of the highest earners, particularly if they have two or more children. In fact, if you have two children, put them both through a private primary and private secondary school, and then seek to send them to university, the total bill can end up exceeding £1 million. These are not financial decisions to be taken lightly.

Kick-start Your Education Investment Plan With Us

Only by planning thoroughly and well in advance can parents be properly prepared for the challenges they face. The best way to do this is undoubtedly by seeking advice from an unbiased financial advisory firm like Singapore Expat Advisory. Reach out to us for a free consultation and let us help you develop a comprehensive investment and savings plan for your child’s education.

Contact Singapore Expat Advisory

Education Fee Planning Singapore Expat Advisory Phone: +65 9432 8781

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Education Fee Planning Singapore Expat Advisory Office 1:
7500A Beach Rd,
02-312 The Plaza,
Singapore 199591

Education Fee Planning Singapore Expat Advisory Office 2:
#9 Raffles Place
Level 58, Republic Plaza
Singapore 048619

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